Kamis, 01 Februari 2018


Biometrids is a project based on the Ethereum blockchain.

The findings are very simple: our data and especially our data is very sensitive in today's world. You can make them fly, hack or ... You can also face scammers who will run with fake identities to play dirty tricks.

WhitePaper teaches us for the UK, identity theft has doubled for 8 years, with 90% online fraud. The amount of data stolen during massive "silent" firings at large companies is staggering. Just as millions of online are stolen to private individuals.

There is a solution but only limiting the damage. But we are still in the era of nicks and passwords. In short mine gold mine is open to hackers.

Another problem is that many people on earth do not have documents that prove their identity. More than a billion ... And this continues, many births are still unrecorded.

Biometrids share the observation that centralized systems operate (poorly) as silos. And this system has too many errors.

Biometrids propose a clear-cut solution on paper: to take the best of what comes and what's there, face recognition and blockchain. The combination of these two elements can solve all current problems related to identification and authentication.

The transparency, flexibility and reliability of Blockchain etiquette can no longer be demonstrated. This is the perfect opportunity for the Biometrids project. Decentralized authorities are able to map the identity, and certify it or not. The Smarts contract offers the ability to check between the system and key management that mitigates the user's burden.

But after I think this is more interesting. Biometrids propose to combine blockchain with our facial biometric properties to create an inviolable ecosystem.

Indeed, their goal is to develop face recognition technology far enough so that no one can pretend to be you, and therefore your confidential data and your access to your bank account or payment site is secure. You can also ask your companion to authenticate, as part of a transaction, to confirm his identity and that he is not trying to deceive you.

Facial recognition can not be wrong. It will scan the various features of your face: eyes, mouth, chin, etc. To make it simple, all this translates into numbers. You will have your photo already in blockchain. When you authenticate, the platform will compare the photos you just took with those recorded in the blockchain. The algorithm will start the calculation: close to 1 with your good, close to 0, not you ...

WhitePaper clarifies the technical elements very clearly and I invite you to read them if the subject interests you. Will be available in French soon.

The Token: IDS

Biometrids will work on the Proof of Stake model, with your 10,000 IDS helping the system to play. On each request for authentication on the platform, the system randomly requests 5% of the nodes. Each transaction is worth 0.10 IDS. 90% payable to the staker.

My opinion

There is a new generation of ICOs coming in and which I will describe as an adult. They work on a model of seriousness, without sending powder to the eye. Biometrids clearly announces the target in 2019 to 2020. He is aware of the steps to climb and trouble. But he was enthusiastic. It takes investors seriously: tokens allocated to the Biometrids team are blocked for 3 years, tokens will not be introduced within 3 months ICO to avoid some people are not preoccupied with the course (something we often see, and that has been) Accumulated in the void of many projects promising).

After recent Ethereal hikes, IDS / ET redistribution rates have been revised, so as not to penalize investors.

No personal sales, which should be noted. This is often a close process to insider trading that is not supported by Biometrids.
Pre-ICO commences on November 25 and ends on December 1st.
The ICO will begin on December 16 until the end on January 13th.

That's a bit of information about Biometrids, for more information please visit:

Official website: https://biometrids.io/

Author articles: sarta afdal17

ETH: 0x77921cc7e185e9d57a27DB0adf45f07cC2e91034

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