Kamis, 08 Maret 2018

SAVEROID - Launches First AI Based Saving Application In Europe

Hallo meet again with me sarta afdal,I will explain Blog I will introduce about Saveroid Cryptocurrencies project For Everyone, and for more details let's just go to the following discussion:

Savedroid has successfully launched Europe's first AI-based austerity application, generating over 200K + downloads and over 10 million savings transactions since its launch in October 2016.

savedroid creates significant economic value for mass market users by offering automated savings, a self-learning AI algorithm that analyzes user checking accounts to identify potential savings and spend optimizations, such as self-learning AI algorithms that identify potential contract optimization. for utilities, mobile, banking, insurance etc.

How SVD Works

savedroid solutions to save money and optimize automatically Personal expenditures based on AI independent learning technology have been recognized by various prestigious awards, including:

Savedroid tokens can be purchased with Bitcoin and Ethereum

as well as with fiat via bank credit transfers, SOFORT Überweisung, and credit cards. The proper procedure to purchase SVD is available on our Site ico.savedroid.com and in our social media channels.

Savedroid ITS will be structured in two parts, starting with Pre-Sale and followed by Primary Sales. The sale price of the backup token during the ITS is set at 1 EUR = 100 SVD, while the special Pre-Sale discount will be applicable as outlined below.

SVD prices will fluctuate as measured in Bitcoin and Ethereum during our ITS time. From 12 to 26 January 2018, we will offer 5% of all SVD (eg 5 million SVD) for public Pre-Sale purchase with 30% bonus.

This means that every Pre-Sale participant will receive an additional 30% of the token amount he gets Purchase over free, so if someone buys 1,000 SVD he will receive a total of 1,300 SVD for the same purchase price. From February 9 to March 9, 2018 , we will offer an additional 55% of all SVD for public purchases during our Primary Sales (ie, 5.5 billion SVD). Overall we hope to sell millions of SVFA digits whose numbers are two digits lower.

The savage contract of savedroid tokens will be published in GitHub in January. We will release more details about where to find smart contracts on our Site


 Hunter! Join our gift program, get tokens as gifts and help us to promote and develop a strong Bountycommunity. We have ordered 5% of total tokens available for the global token program. The campaign will end on March 9, 2018. Claim your first 100 SVDs now by joining our Telegram group. It will also give you access to premium support during Pre-and Main Sale.

Connector Resources:

Author: sarta afdal17

My Eth: 0x77921cc7e185e9d57a27DB0adf45f07cC2e91034

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