Senin, 30 April 2018

Real Estate Investment on top of the blockchain ? - GENESIS ICO REVIEW !

Hallo meet me again sarta afdal, I will explain Blog I will introduce about GENESIS project, and for more details let's go to the following discussion:

GENESIS = Is the future of the property investment market, which we have created now

Real estate business each year is always growing, because the price of land is also usually more expensive year. A career in real estate also involves a great deal of skills and abilities, from architects, engineers, contractors, to accountants, so the real estate industry becomes one of the most profitable industries.

GENESIS is an international real estate fund and multifunctional operating platform built on the basis of blockchain and digital technology. All invested funds are used to purchase real estate that belongs to the platform and establish its assets, creating the basis for future development and increasing the market value of the project.

The innovative solutions realized in GENESIS provide a classic harmonious combination. investment methods in real estate with the possibilities of achieving the most progressive and modern digital economy.


It is an international real estate fund and a multifunctional operating platform, created on the basis of digital blocking and technology.

All invested funds are directed towards buying real estate objects that enter the ownership of funds and shaping their assets, creating a basis for further development and increasing the market value of the project.

Innovative solutions implemented in GENESIS provide a harmonious blend of classical methods of investment in real estate with the most modern and modern achievement capabilities of the digital economy.

The simplicity and convenience of investing, the exclusion of intermediaries, the absence of borders, freedom of choice, stable guaranteed income, the highest level of reliability and investment security are the main features of GENESIS.


The GENESIS Platform is an integrated corporate structure that combines all the key features and legal aspects of classic enterprise and decentralized projects based on blockbuster technology.

A clear and informative user interface with a private office system will provide investors with all the necessary information about investment objects, fees, payments, transactions, current market level of assets and other information.

The GENESIS platform will enable anyone in a simple and convenient form to invest in traditional investment tools, such as real estate. At the same time, it will provide access to the development of distributed distributed digital economy technology, such as blocks and crypto currencies.



January 25, 2018
Start pre-registration!
April 1 - May 15, 2018
Doing an ITO project.

May 2018
Accrual token in partner's personal wallet.

May - July 2018
Evaluation. Registration of real estate on property.

June 2018
Launch of online project platform.
Start the company's office operations activity.

July 2018
Mobile application development for private investor cabinet

October 2018
Accrued and first payment of income to investors.
Launched EXEX GDEX internally.

Q4 2018
ment in token pool market GES.
Bringing the value of the company's assets to 50-60 million euros.
Starting from the first special project.

2019 years
GES token output on exchange of crypto exchange, put on the market
token pool GES. Bringing the value of the company's assets to 100-120 million euros
with the nominal value of the GES tokens.

Placement in token pool market GES. Bringing the value of the company's assets
to 250-300 million € with nominal value of GES tokens.


To make digital technology accessible to any investor - this is a task set by the GENESIS team. Today we have everything to succeed in applying it. And it's not just words.

We really know all about blockade technology. We perfectly mastered such a device as a crypto currency.

The company's established infrastructure, extensive teamwork experience with real estate companies in various countries, creates all the conditions for quality work in the international real estate market.
In our work, we will implement a unique platform, which we will develop on a blockbuster basis.

Does this give our investors? Opportunity to invest a profitable investment, while avoiding any risk, get the maximum benefit using digital technology and crypto currency.

We are well aware of all the shortcomings of traditional ways of investing money in real estate. This is a high risk, lack of guarantees and high entry prices. Understanding this, we strive not only to provide customers with services, but to make the fund investment process convenient and secure.

Today we are forming a new face in the market. . With us, investment in real estate is fast, reliable and secure.




Roman Belikov

Leader of opinion. Leading developer in the field of commercial real estate in Russia and Europe. Talented entrepreneurs and experienced investors, have extensive experience in the global real estate market. His effective managerial skills and endless energy make many projects successful. In-depth knowledge of business processes makes his advice invaluable.

For more information:

Author : sarta afdal17

My Eth : 0x77921cc7e185e9d57a27DB0adf45f07cC2e91034

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