Senin, 30 April 2018

DAOSTACK - Operating System For New Organizational Forms


Hallo meet me again sarta afdal, I will explain Blog I will introduce about DAOstack project, and for more details let's go to the following discussion:

Since early times, it has been proven that a well-organized plan of action can be a certain success. A planned management plan leads to the effective use of available resources, which in turn leads to optimal performance. As a student there are also many books available on the market, and all of them can be viewed as sources from which one can collect knowledge. In addition to all books that are resources, no student studies them, they choose books based on what they want to learn, and what the best books teach. This management is very important in the student's life.

Similarly, in business, the management and efficient use of resources leads to the desired results. Companies in today's world have big investments that benefit them, they own multimillion-dollar assets, but sometimes they can not use them in the best way, which leads to disastrous consequences.

There is a growing need for agencies or companies that will manage the resource management and resource management sections in business houses to meet their goals and develop with flying colors.

DAOstack is one company that deals with this problem for companies dealing with crypto currency.

I wonder how DAOstack plans to achieve what he claims? Read it together to find out about the destination and other details.

To start with a very simple one, DAOstack is solely based on helping companies manage resources, make informed decisions using custom tools and other software products.

Here are a few reasons that can justify choosing DAOstack for your needs;

>Installing blockxes in a decentralized manner helps to avoid flaws in the implementation of decisions.

>Having a good incentive to expand cooperation.

>Based on the Eterheim Ecosystem.

DAO is a set of tools that help to achieve the company's goals. The ecosystem on which DAOstack is based allows you to interact between several DAOs to improve collaboration. People can interact with the DAO either by performing a transaction with a blocking hook, or depending on the front of the blockchain ecosystem.

Arc is a model in which the administration of the network of institutions interacts between them. This structure is built in such a way that it is flexible and can be bent to meet the needs of users.

The main division, the managing agency, is the contract with the controller. He sends commands to the printer's token, wallet. He is also responsible for improving the technical architecture and management system based on the operation of the company.

Information about tokens

>Token GEN
>Price 1 GEN = 1 USD
>Platform Ethereum
>Accepting ETH
>Soft cap 5,000,000 USD
>Hard cap 30,000,000 USD
>Raised $ 8,000,000
>Country Gibraltar
>Whitelist / KYC None

For projects with 40 million tokens reserved for customers, 100 million GEN tokens will be created.

 The sale of tokens begins May 8, 2018. Preliminary sale of tokens begins May 1, 2018. The funds will be used to develop and promote the platform. The team is defined and has experience in creating meaningful products for users.


The ability to work together for greater benefit is not common among other species. People believe in the choice of people, and this structure has created many forms of solutions in our world. However, there are many centralized institutions and organizations, and the power of decision-making is limited to a few people. The loss of centralization is evident in history and in the current political and economic terms. The tasks of individual solutions can be overcome in groups.

There are less opportunities for mistakes and more opportunities for the better when people make decisions together. The future of technology is redefined by decentralization. Decentralized application development will give people a new direction. What do you think about the future of a decentralized application? Is this a suitable platform for providing all the tools needed to develop a decentralized application?



For more information, please follow the following sources:

Author : sarta afdal17

My Eth : 0x77921cc7e185e9d57a27DB0adf45f07cC2e91034

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