Sabtu, 07 April 2018

Matchroom - Revolutionize Gaming With Blockchain

Hallo meet again with me sarta afdal, I will explain Blog I will introduce about MATCHROOM project, and for more details let's go to the following discussion:

Matchroom is striving to deliver a social gaming platform supported by blockchain technology that can function as a centralized safe haven where all stakeholders (players, consumers, developers, organizers, brand partners, and even investors) may congregate, engage, and interact.


Leet Entertainment's Matchroom platform (hereby known as Matchroom) is an
integrated digital platform designed from the ground up to serve the unique demands
of modern gaming communities with the aid of blockchain technology. Supported by
a strong team of industry veterans, Matchroom intends to first establish itself a solid
foundation as the preeminent digital destination for gamers across South-East Asia
(SEA) before encroaching on the global market space.

Matchroom envisions itself as a for-the-community-by-the-community entity,
labouring to facilitate and stimulate activities across all stakeholders but especially
those at the grassroots level, of the gaming industry through the various platforms
features specifically devised to do so:

> Facilitating Communities & Consumers; social media, coordination &
communication, original content, news & updates.

> Facilitating Content Creation; unique monetization opportunities, optimal
publishing space.

> Facilitating Industry Operators; alternate funding source, targeted
marketing opportunities.

Leveraging on the rising prominence of blockchain as its reliability of its security
features is increasingly showcased and proven on the fields, Matchroom was designed with a majority of its features provisory to the diverse advantages blockchain can offer. Matchroom will be administering blockade of the platform operationally unfeasible in order to secure the position it is poised to take within the industry.

> Facilitate Day-to-Day Gaming Activities
> Resolve Modern Gaming Dilemmas
> Support Independent Developers & Organizers
> Enhance Industry Growth

Market Overview

Hasil gambar untuk matchroom.MARKET OVERVIEW

The global gaming industry is amidst a major boom. 2.2 billion global consumers of which 1 billion are paying customers. This is especially so in the Asia Pacific (APAC) region where revenue generation is as of 2017 represents a whooping 49.8% of total global revenue, bringing in 57.8 billion USD (14.6% year-on-year growth). Yet, gamers in the Asia Pacific region continue to be mainly served by Western-centric services and platforms, be it playing on the Steam platform or streaming video games on Twitch or YouTube. Although Chinese games and game developers have begun to catch up, the game industry remains dominated by Western game developers like Activision-Blizzard, Inc., Electronic Arts Inc., Valve Corporation, Riot Games and Ubisoft Entertainment SA.


In conceiving the Matchroom platform, the team at Leet Entertainment have drawn
on their 10 years of collective experience in the field of game distribution, eSports
league and tournament organization, game refereeing and building as well as
administering game communities. The team have an unparalleled understanding of
Asian gamers psychographics, demographics and game-play preferences, which
have been mined to design from the ground up, a unique community-centric platform
for the ultimate gaming experience. At the same time, Matchroom platform is
anchored around three key pillars with Strong elements of synergy that creates a
strong positive feedback loop involving 360 constant engagement with all industry


Machroom Tokenomics

Virtual Gifting

> Maintain Anonymity. Blockchain as a fully decentralized system allows
streamers on the platform to complete transactions all the way through to
cashout without needing to reveal their identities.

> Lower Transaction Costs. Compared to existing payment gateway
platforms, the transaction costs associated with cryptocurrency trading is
much lower.

Virtual Trading

> Fraudproof Transactions. Embracing blockchain technology entitles
Matchroom to enforce transactions through smart-contracts, largely
strengthening its position as an escrow. The process will be fully automated
with smart-contracts identifying and verifying both product and payment
before conducting a final exchange between the two.

Brand Sponsorship

> Global Reach. Endorsing the usage of cryptocurrency permits potential
sponsors to reach out to any given organizer regardless of geographical
restrictions; because cryptocurrencies are denominated in universal values,
the parties involved are associated with various conundrums associated
with FOREX.

> Transparency. The decentralization of ledger accounting through blockchain
can also result in absolute transparency as the records of which fidelity can
not be tampered with, are openly accessible to the public.

Hasil gambar untuk matchroom.TOKENOMICS


Centralizing the gaming community on one platform and revolutionizing the gaming industry with blockchain technology.

Established in 2017, Matchroom is dedicated on providing an end-to-end medium for a complete social gaming experience. the company delivers this experience through
its unique social gaming platform. It is our core platform that provides a complete gaming ecosystem for both in-house and external contents, thereby connecting providers with users all within our platform.

Hasil gambar untuk matchroom.token

Hasil gambar untuk matchroom.token

Hasil gambar untuk matchroom.roadmap

Join the project, create together with Matchroom your successful future!

More detailed details about the project you can learn by studying Whitepaper -
as well as on information resources:

Within the framework of the ICO campaign, a generous program is carried out, see the link for more detailed conditions:

Author: sarta afdal17

My Eth: 0x77921cc7e185e9d57a27DB0adf45f07cC2e91034

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