Sabtu, 21 Juli 2018

weiDex - New Generation Crypto Money Exchange

Hallo meet again with me sarta afdal, I will explain Blog I will introduce about WEIDEX project, and for more details let's go to the following discussion:

About ten years after the issue of cryptoparas; that is, the success it has achieved up to now, is a clear indication that it will grow even faster in the coming period. However, despite all this positive weather, negative winds are also evident in the crypto money market. The implementation of blockchain and crypto-money transactions, which have a decentralized ecosystem in a centralized system, is already contradictory to the nature and purpose of the business. Because, in the current situation, the crypto money market is moving with a central structure.

On the other hand, the fear of hacking of accounts, the danger of escaping from all money by fixing when the central structure wants, the introduction of some bureaucratic obligations in the process required by liberties, bad liquidity, weak market regulations, long compatibility and complex integration. as well as many other problematic situations.

These troubled situations and difficulties in the crypto money market are in fact the answer to the question as why the crypto money market has grown as much as desired and the global life does not enter the global life.


weiDex and Working System

In an environment where the problems grow so large, weiDex will operate as a full-featured decentralized exchange to resolve the above issues online at weiDex aims to create a crypto money trading market that is easier, safer and cheaper for crypto-money market consumers. weiDex will also have a secure escrow service platform that allows its users to securely process transactions. The weiDex business model will enable users to easily purchase and sell crypto-banking without intermediaries.

As a decentralized cryptographic money exchange, weiDex's entire business logic is based on intelligent contracts as an advantage that the blockchain infrastructure provides. In this framework, only the users will have the ability to control their assets and thus the human error will become impossible. In fact, it would not be wrong to say that the crypto money market was created for the project based on the blockchain logic.

weiDex will support all Ethereum-based tokens and will have the infrastructure to support Neo-based tokens by the end of this year. weiDex platform will have the advantages of both centralized and decentralized exchanges. However, in addition to having ease of use and transparency in relation to central stock exchanges, they will have the following advantages over other decentralized stock exchanges:

> Reference System (Sales Partnership):

weiDex will give 20% of the transaction fees paid for buying and selling transactions for the first time in reference to the crypto money world including the platform. The more investors get the platform, the more referrals they will earn.


> Low Transaction Fees:

WeiDex has been developed in a very fast and efficient blockchain network. This will ensure that operations on the platform are efficient and efficient.

Multiple Order Execution:

The user can set the number of orders and you are only charged for one transaction while the platform smart contract makes sure that it receives the number of transactions required to fulfill your request. So you do multiple transactions, but you pay like you did a transaction.

Airdrop Program:

Airdrop with WDX tokens will be implemented once a month for rewarding and incentive purposes within the platform. Any account that meets transaction volume requirements will automatically include airdrop. The maximum amount of tokens that each original address can receive is up to 250 WDX for the first 20,000 users who meet the transaction volume requirement for airdrop.

> Cross Chain Operations:

Crypto is the most advanced technology on money exchange platforms. With Cross Chain Operations, weiDex will combine different types of block chains (eg, Ethereum and Neo) on the same platform.


Token Information:

WDX tokens have been developed within the project. The WDX token has a special significance to improve the platform ecosystem. The WDX Token will provide a 50% discount on transaction fees. A first feature of the WDX's crypto coin will be that users can easily transport the WDX across different block chains, such as the NEO network from the ETH network. This means that simultaneous synchronization with different platforms will be the issue.

The WDX token will rely on the Ethereum ERC-827 standard (extended ERC20). The total amount of tokens will be 50 000 000 WDX. Of these, 60% were allocated to token sales, 15% to team members, 4% to consultants, 10% to marketing activities, 10% to Airdrop and 1% to Bounty campaign.


SUPPLY: 50,000,000 WDX
FOR SALE: 30,000,000 WDX
HARD CAP: 15,000,000 USD
ICO 15/08/2018 - hard cap is achieved.

Token Allocation

TEAM weiDex



For more information, please click on the following links:

Internet Site :

Author : sarta afdal17

My Eth : 0x77921cc7e185e9d57a27DB0adf45f07cC2e91034

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