Selasa, 17 Juli 2018

FANFARE:The World's First Blockchain Powered Social Commerce Community

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Hallo meet again with me sarta afdal, I will explain Blog I will introduce about FANFARE project, and for more details let's go to the following discussion:

Cryptocurrency like Bitcoin or Altcoin seems good to be a worldwide exchange tool. Yes, forget about certain real currencies that are only available in certain countries. Along with the development of Internet technology, any transaction can be done globally by using it. Interestingly, not only is it more flexible to shop or buy something, it seems you should use Cryptocurrency in a smarter way.

One of them is to use it as an object of trade and investment. So, how is it?

Of course, first of all, you have to join the Cryptocurrency site platform that allows you to do funding activities like trade and investment. It is very difficult, especially crimes such as fraud are quite common today. In the meantime, there are many sites out there that offer such facilities without you possibly knowing if it is valid or not. for this, it is recommended that you use FANFARE. This is a type of Cryptocurrency platform with simple requirements, easy access, and lots of great features.

 This is even more interesting because consultations and discussions are available here to support you become more successful later.


Our current modern lifestyle is filled with e-Commerce platforms that allow you to bring purchases and payment for various services to a whole new level. While conventional platforms provide convenience , a wide range of products and low prices, there are several global challenges that must be addressed. Only the introduction of innovative technologies will allow to deal with the situation, to correct all the shortcomings, the developers of the decentralized platform Fanfare sure - the use of blockchain, as well as intelligent contracts will open up new opportunities to customers. The e-Commerce segment will get the necessary development to protect users from fraud and various problems.

Fortunately, the blockchain offers a paradigm shift in e-Commerce through innovation and improving the quality of trade. But how can you link a block network to e-Commerce? It is worth considering in more detail how the blockchain enterprise will work to help the e-Commerce sector.

What is Fanfare?

FanFare is a community platform based on block connections that allows you to use social e-Commerce content through instant store options depending on brands. The platform is designed to enable social e-Commerce for brands to interact with their potential consumers through integrated brand interaction with a potential buyer. In addition, FanFare will allow brands to convert content created by the consumer, a variety of videos will become valuable products for customers.

The Fanfare Glopal Platform is a Singapore-based company and is managed by a number of entrepreneurs, such as successful entrepreneurs, media professionals, law and investors with decades of experience and supported by investment companies.

How the social trading community Fanfare Blockchain works

The FanFare ecosystem will include the following features as a means to eliminate the brand-consumer relationship, which is fragmented and has no intermediary nodes. The absence of intermediaries allows to get rid of many serious problems, for example huge fees or persistent fraudulent schemes aimed at stealing personal data.

FanFare internal currency (FAN) - FAN tokens are used as a reward mechanism for content creators who earn through shoppable videos.

Brands, as well as consumers who want to use the ecosystem, will need to purchase FAN tokens from where they can add products to user-created videos.

Viewers-content consumers who will be able to use the internal currency in order to purchase the necessary content in the FanFare online store, get access to the websites and campaigns of the brands.
FanFare e-shops will provide their products in the e-shop platform, and for any purchase, you can use the internal currency in the form of tokens FAN

Advantages Of Fanfare

Stimuli may win the number one FanFare is the ability of the platform to encourage sharing of content by converting user content to the videos available for sale.

Attractive discounts-consumers get the opportunity to purchase branded products from the FanFare eStore stand to take advantage of additional price and product discounts.

Rewards for content creators with high quality creations and users who purchase products from eStore with FAN tokens.

The security of the content sharing process as an intelligent contract ensures an efficient and transparent verification process.

Less expensive for brands looking for alternative advertising options and reaching out to their potential customers.

E-Commerce social

This is the name given to media content created by people who are willing to create content for businesses or brands. Social e-commerce will work as follows. Platform users may create any video or media type announcing a particular product of the company or brand and the content will be appreciated by the mark itself with the Fanfare ERC-20 token (Token FAN). This token is obtained as a redeemable gift for the product in the Fanfare sTore platform.



The developers of the decentralized Fanfare platform are going to create a competitive analogue of such well-known platforms as Amazon and eBay. They have already managed to attract large investors to their ranks - the presence of a sufficient amount of funds will allow to realize all the ideas related to the design and functionality of the platform. However, the main objective of FanFare is not its concept, but the competition it faces with already installed platforms, and this will require a significant shift for brands and consumers to eventually sort out this idea.



> December 2016; Fanfare Application Creation begins.
> May 2017; Fanfare Beta Application Launch with 20,000 users.
> August 2017; The official launch of Fanfare App.
> October 2017; The Fanfare app reaches 150,000 downloads.
> January 2018; The official launch of the Fanfare Brand Application.
> February 2018; Preparation for ICO.
> May 2018; Personal Sale begins.
> July 2018; PreICO sales started.
> September 2018; Crowdsale begins.
> January 2019; The basic wallet should be upgraded.
> March 2019; Complete Fanfare Wallet.
> June 2019;Wallet integration to Fanfare platform functionality.
> 3Q 2020; Complete Fanfare eStore.



Image result for FANFARE.bounty


Author : sarta afdal17

My Eth : 0x77921cc7e185e9d57a27DB0adf45f07cC2e91034

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