Kamis, 31 Mei 2018

ZeroState is a platform designed to achieve this balance / reference

Hallo meet again with me sarta afdal, I will explain Blog I will introduce about ZEROSTATE project, and for more details let's go to the following discussion:


As a consumer, sometimes I know exactly what I want, and sometimes I do not know what I want, as long as it's in front of me. I want to be a loyal customer and be able to quickly find new products / services. On the other hand, advertisers want to sell their products / services with a high level of confidence that I will make a purchase. This is in short, this is the attitude of the consumer-advertiser.

 When relationships are in perfect balance, they get what they want. ZeroState is a platform designed to achieve this balance / reference.

Below are the benefits that consumers and advertisers can expect from using the ZeroState platform.

>Free participation in promotions on the platform
>Feedback Bonuses
>Impartial views
>The best discovery for products / services

>Better targeted marketing campaigns
>Extremely loyal customers
>Best user feedback and ratings
>Emotional price lists

Although products and services are often classified by type (for example, sci-fi, toys, furniture, clothing, etc.), ZeroState suggests that the consumer can find products / services with greater accuracy and accuracy, using the consumer's emotional preferences (happy, cool, cool, sexy, etc.).

 Thus, ZeroState wants to use strong human emotional connections and links to the things they want, and provide a transactional platform for better binding consumers and advertisers.


реквизит маркера зеростата.PNG


нулевая дорожная карта.PNG


Getting the products before the consumer and knowing with high certainty that they will acquire this item is the Holy Grail for advertisers. For the consumer, they do not want to be spoiled by marketing.

 In other words, if the connection between the consumer and the advertiser is not balanced, then the advertiser spends his money, and the consumer spends his time. In order for the relationship to work, both sides should be able to communicate their demands to each other. This is the perfect communication, ultimately, what ZeroState hopes to achieve.

At first I was a little skeptical that my emotional state and sensual feedback can exactly fund what I'm looking for. However, with some reflection, I think that consumption is very much related to the emotional state of a person (the emotional state of a person can affect any number of types of decisions, and not just purchases of goods / services). For me, I prefer to listen to music by type, and then by emotion. For products, I want to see "popular", "cool" or "stunning". Is it good to go right?

It's a little more complicated. Lamborghini corresponds to my preferences, but the likelihood that I will buy it is very close to zero. On this day and age, should I expect advertisers to find out? Yes.
ZeroState understands that achieving an ideal balance requires a certain skill. That is why their transactional model and mechanism for ensuring an objective rating of advertising campaigns and equitable distribution of funds are set out in their document. Simply put, ZeroState must ensure that participants play fair to give the economy their model a high probability of success. Do not forget:

bad data usually means bad data. The ZeroState model must find the right balance of incentives so that participants act and report in good faith. If this can be achieved, then everyone will benefit - including ZeroState.

ZeroState is not the only company that is looking for the Holy Grail. Amazon (you may have heard of them), works hard to improve their intellectual intelligence (AI). Amazon wants to use the data of its customers to predict what you want to buy before you do it! The approach of the Amazon is different, but their purpose is the same. I wrote about the Amazon forecast analysis project a few months ago here.

There, the ZeroState project certainly corresponds to my threshold for an interesting project. I do not think they need a large user base for success. They need to prove that their model works for any size of the user base and growth will be organic.

I hope that this post was useful, describing the ZeroState project, and I informed why I find it interesting. If you agree with me, I recommend that you read their document, as it more fully describes their value propositions.


March 21, 2018
Sales: 5,000,000 tokens with 50% bonus
Attraction: $ 2,000,000

We sell ZSC tokens to finance the development and scaling of existing effective business models. ZSC is designed to provide transparent and profitable conditions for each owner of the token. To achieve this, we need highly qualified specialists, technologies and a growing client base. This, in turn, requires significant financial and marketing opportunities.

Public sale of tokens
June 21, 2018
Sales of 49.5 million Tokens with bonuses of 40%, 30%, 20%

To this end, ZeroState will issue a maximum of 100,000,000 ZSCoin tokens with an initial market value of 0.00047 ETH per token during the ICO. ZeroState ICO will have two main stages, when the company's token will be offered for sale with special discounts.

For more information, please click on the link below:

Twitter : https://twitter.com/ZeroStateDapp
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/zerostate.info
LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/company/zerostate-inc
Instagram : https: // www .instagram.com / zerostate.app
Medium : https://medium.com/@zerostate
Telegram : https://t.me/zero_state_news
YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxTbb5czvsPtmYnsxHRZQnA
Technical documentation: https: //zerostate.io/zerostate_whitepaper_en.pdf
Website : https://zerostate.io

Author : sarta afdal17

My Bitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1519661

My Eth : 0x77921cc7e185e9d57a27DB0adf45f07cC2e91034

Rabu, 30 Mei 2018

BEYOND SEEN -Scan Any Video Content On Any Screen

Hallo meet again with me sarta afdal, I will explain Blog I will introduce about BEYOND SEEN SCREEN project, and for more details let's go to the following discussion:


Imagine you're watching a movie, on any screen, based on a true story and that you're interested in the details of the real events. Imagine you're watching a music video and you want to know where the artist is on tour and where to buy tickets for their concerts. Imagine you want to quickly get to a recipe prepared by a chef on your favorite cooking show. If you are a person who believes that this information should be easily accessible, you think like Beyond Seen Screen.

Beyond Screen (BSS) allows you to use your smartphone or tablet to scan any video content on any screen to get information related to that content easily and quickly. All you need to do is focus your mobile device on your video content and get the information you want. As simple as that.

Entertainment and information

Easy access to game related content, bloopers, interviews, VR / AR experience, etc. Enrich content directly on the second screen with scoreboards, replays, polls, etc.

Shop seamlessly
Products and services from video content are available for direct online shopping.

Unleash creativity
Receive token prizes from the platform to contribute high quality content for others to enjoy.

Marketing permissions
Engage your audience through permission and personalization marketing, improve your marketing effectiveness, and generate new revenue streams.


The Beyond Seen Screen transaction will record on public blockchain is a transaction when the interaction takes place from the platform to the viewer. It is the inability to change this data by using public blockchain that Beyond Seen Screen will be used to help transparency of its business. Content providers who use the Beyond Seen Screen service will never need to question whether the views presented by the Beyond Visible Screen App actually take place. Blockchain will allow them to verify and trust this data themselves.


Beyond Seen Screen allows you to use your smartphone or tablet to scan any video content on any screen to get in-depth information related to that content easily and quickly. All you need to do is focus your smartphone on your video content and get the information you want.

Scan the video
Focus your smartphone on video content and let the app scan it.

BSS recognize the video
The Beyond Seen Screen platform processes the digital footprint of the video and recognizes it.

Get additional info
Information related to the video is sent back and displayed in the app.


BSSX is a BSS platform utility token. The primary use of tokens is paying for the use of platforms and useful contributions to the platform.

Name: BSSX
Standard token: ERC20
Total inventory: 340,050,000 BSSX
Soft Hat: 2,000 ETH
Hard hat: L 18.000 ETH
Currency received: ETH
Minimum participation: 0.1 ETH
Crowdsale begins: Q2 2018
Crowdsale ends: Q2 2018

Token distribution & use of funds


Nov 2016
First fully functional version of platform deployed to the cloud. Functional Android app developed

Apr 2017
Technical readiness level (TRL) 6 attained

Sep 2017
Attended IBC Startup Forum in Amsterdam

Nov 2017
Technical readiness level (TRL) 7 attained

Dec 2017
Preparation for ICO started

Q2 2018
Q3 2018
Platform publicly available, product marketing campaign

Q4 2018
Customer portal, improved social aspects of platform, improved shopping experience

Q1 2019
iOS app, analytics, geolocation based targeting

Q2 2019
Smartphone screen as input

Q3 2019
Interactions personalized to user preferences and traits, client based custom layouts, improved screen detection

Q4 2019
Beyond Seen Screen linked to live video content

Q1 2020
TV integration.

For More Information:

Author : sarta afdal17

My Eth : 0x77921cc7e185e9d57a27DB0adf45f07cC2e91034

Selasa, 29 Mei 2018

HDX is a Cryptocurrency Exchange with innovative solutions

Hallo meet again with me sarta afdal, I will explain Blog I will introduce about HDX project, and for more details let's go to the following discussion:

HDX is a crypto currency that offers revolutionary solutions and offers never before to see and hear. We have prioritized the distribution of profits to a level that no other stock exchange has ever produced. Our bonus schemes and offers will provide our investors with a lifetime benefit. All of our ICO investors will receive 40% of future profits in foreign currency, and we will provide the Peer-to-Peer transaction architecture, which brings commission for commission to 0%. In addition to this, we have five different cryptovariants that you can choose: bitcoin, bitcoin cash, ether, pulsation and litecoin. We firmly believe that we can expand only when people connected with us grow. We have ensured that our schemes multiply the benefits of investors and token owners. We are very enthusiastic about announcing the launch of our ICO, which is scheduled for five different stages, starting April 20, 2018 through May 30, 2018. Here are the advantages that we offer to our investors and token owners.

About HDX

Find the best way to Crypto Currency

HDX will become one of the world's leading Cryptocurrency exchangers. Our goal is to provide maximum benefit to our customers by making our exchange flexible in terms of trading Cryptocurrency, as well as distributing the share of profit to holders. We offer the purchase and sale of Peer to Peer Bitcoin through any method of payment. We also offer 40% exchange of income to our investors ICO. The most unique proposal that we provide is a referral commission like Bitkoyn with the possibility of instant withdrawal of funds.

We represent HDX and are very confident that its value will reach a high level in the near future. We are very pleased to inform you that soon our ICO will be launched. Having unique and innovative opportunities for our exchange, we hope to attract more customers and expand our activities. Our motto is to eliminate complexity through various agencies and exchanges, making HDX a comprehensive platform for traders and crypto currency fans. We intend to simplify the deal by reducing all intermediaries and charging a commission of 0%. Now forget about working with various exchanges and take the opportunity to become part of the revolutionary gateways and breakouts in the Marketplace.


In the field of exchange of crypto-currencies, allowed by HDX, there are four main problems. It:

>Inadequate or inappropriate frame or background infrastructure
>Bad security
>Arbitrary exchange parameters
>Illiquid market conditions
>Low customer service
>Lack of internationalization
>Excessive transaction costs


Commission costs are zero

Another trend that will be established is the 0% trade commission. Previously, traders had to pay complex trade commissions to buy and sell crypto coins in most exchanges. HDX deducted this commission for zero and made the transaction free for customers. Now you do not need to worry about an extra amount that exceeds the price of buying and selling, and you can continue to trade in the non-resource environments provided by HDX.

Peer-to-Peer Transactions

One of the outstanding features is that we allow buyers and sellers to quote prices on our website and buy and sell directly without the intervention of a third party. We have included Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash and Ripple in our platforms, users can participate in buying and selling all these coins with Fiat currency through various payment methods from any country online.


Probably the most profitable transaction we offer. We will share 40% of future foreign exchange earnings exclusively with ICO investors based on their HDX shares. This is done solely in order to increase investor confidence in the ICO, we want investors who contribute to the HDX coins to win in the future.

BTC Instant Reference Commission

This is the most innovative step made by HDX in the history of ICO. Currently, all ICOs use their own Crypto coins to transfer to others. HDX put an end to this current system and provides Bitcoin, because they are the most widely used and accepted Cryptocurrency. We offer Bitcoin instead of our own Crypto to direct us to other people, and also provide 8% of the total number of bitcoins spent on HDX purchases. Even if you conduct Ethereum, it can be converted to a bit-level, and you will receive the same amount of commission. And this referral commission can be withdrawn at any time.



>HAFLY CLEM: Chief Executive Officer
>JACK RUX: Chief Technical Officer
>STAIN MAX: Blockchain Developer
>STEFF JOHN: Software Development Advisor
>ESKENDER: System administrator and third-party developer
>ELIX LOYE: Business Analyst
>RICOTTA JOSHVA: Expert on block chain
>MARTIN ERIC UI / UX: special design of the front parts


>December 2017 - the development of HDXchange begins.

>April 2018 - The sale of the HDX token of people launches the preliminary sale of ICO + ICO.
>June 2018 (1) - Live trades and traded tokens on the stock exchange of crypto and monetary market of coins from June 10.

>June 2018 (2) - HDXchange will be broadcast on the release of the purse on June 26 for Windows / Linux / Android.

>August 2018 - begins the distribution of profits for investors. Exchange of applications ICO Mobile Android / iOS with the functions of online financing / Fiat online.

>October 2018 - Peer to Peer starts with BTC / ETH / LTC / BCH / XRP Dec 2018 - 100 Cryptocurrency will be listed, daily exchange volume is expected at 15,000 BTC. Jan 2019 - Development begins to build a decentralized exchange.

>Mar 2019 - Fiat currencies are supported, exchanges in several languages ​​start.

>Jun 2019 - We represent new trading pairs, including the main crypto-currencies.

>August 2019 - Decentralized full-featured exchange of one of the top 10 crypto-currency platforms in the world.

>December 2019 - Insurance coverage of all cryptoactive assets by paying a nominal fee.

More Visit the link below:

Website: http://www.hdxchange.io/

White Paper: https://www.hdxchange.io/webroot/whitepaper.pdf

Main theme: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3286687.new#new

Telegram: https://t.me/hdxchange

Twitter: https://twitter.com/hdxchange

Media: https://medium.com/@hdxchanges

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hdx-xchange-678302161/

Author : sarta afdal17

My Bitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1519661

My Eth : 0x77921cc7e185e9d57a27DB0adf45f07cC2e91034


Hallo meet again with me sarta afdal, I will explain Blog I will introduce about HEXCASH project, and for more details let's go to the following discussion:

2017’s Crypto Frenzy landed attracted all kinds of investment programs guaranteeing unmatched returns for your fund. Fraction of such programs were outright Ponzi schemes which made investors shy away from otherwise reliable fund growth programs.​ ​HexCash solves that gap of reliability that has erupted between Investors and Fund Management Program.

HexCash is built on & hosted with Ethereum Blockchain System, an industry standard in all Cryptocurrency based Financial Programs.

ERC20 is the token standard for smart contracts in consideration which ensures unprecedented security of your fund invested with HexCash.

Competitive Advantage against Exit Scams & Frauds

Most of Crypto Fund Management Programs make tall claims on returns but are incorporated in forms of classic Ponzi schemes. Where your fund grows in numbers but during either withdrawals happen in form of promoter’s Coin Offering Program or the promoters shut down the fund completely (exit scams) and your aforementioned investment ends upto zero.

The central idea of decentralised currency has been defeated by the very pioneers of the industry through centralised Ponzi schemes.

Truly Decentralised & Unmatched Transparency

During the development of HexCash we made sure no centralised functions were deployed for fund management. ERC20 powered by Ethereum helps us make this possible.

Funds deposited in HexCash system stays under your control as per your primary contract initiated during the purchase.


HEXCASH is truly decentralised financial system. It works on ethereum blockchain and whole system runs using ethereum smart contract.

Investors can HODL their HEX Tokens in HEX HODL system by just sending their HEX tokens on contract address.

Smart contract will store HEX tokens and identify sender address and store it in system with all information. After that HEX HODL smart contract will send weekly blockchain rewards based on HEX tokens HODL by specific user or address.

Investors can take backup of their private keys so they can get their tokens any time in case of misplacement of sending address. Whole system is unique and different their other system currently available in market.

Investors can check their HEX tokens on blockchain any time. They can also re invest their earned HEX tokens by just sending them to HEX HODL smart contract. This is first every system not required human interactions. And because of that it completely eliminate Scam issues & trust issues from whole cryptocurrency financial industry.


HEXHODL is unique blockchain based reward system developed on ethereum smart contract. Sytem allow HEX token holders to HODL their HEX tokens on HEXHODL smart contract and earn weekly HEX token rewards. It is completely transperent and truly decentralized. Comes with blockchain security and trust.


Additional 3% Bonus After Completion Of 4th Week ● Additional 5% Bonus After Completion Of 8th Week ● Additional 7% Bonus After Completion Of 12th Week ● Additional 10% Bonus After Completion Of 21st Week ● After Completion Of 21st week there will be additional 2% Bonus every week for all investors.


It is beneficial to having your investment partners on HEXCASH platform. Yes ! You can earn 10% of their investment in BTC . You can keep it in HEX tokens or you can withdraw it in BTC any time. It’s best time to earn some BTC and help your investment partners to grow their funds also. If you are networker or influencer who can get large volume on HEXCASH platform than we have something interesting for you. contact us via mail or telegram.


Fund Management System

At the centre HexCash lies a proprietary AI engine, HexCore. HexCore empowers HexCash with unmatched Prediction & Signaling (P&S) features.

Advanced Pattern Recognition (APR)

Crypto trading is not only the thing in our business model. We also consider forex trading with highest safety indicators.

Next Profit Position (NPP)

HexCore is a Neural Architecture technology adapted for Exchange Trading. Through it's machine learning capabilities HexCore provides Next Profit Position (NPP) with highest accuracy in real time.

This was made possible through HexCore’s data analysis feature
that was reinforced with per-sec shift data​ of major Stock Indices of the world.


As the first in the industry HexCash Trading Platform will empower your Fund Management Program with many more Graph Pairs apart from Crypto/USD and Crypto Pairs.

During Crypto Slump or Crypto Slug our Platform will now ensure equal amount of returns by Hedging your fund in Conventional ForEx Majors

Stage 1 incorporation


Stage 2 incorporation



HexCash ICO token will be released on Non Contract based crowdsale to support other currencies which will help you to take benefit of your available cryptocurrencies such as BTC,ETH, LTC, XRP etc.

ICO Details
May 9, 2018 (9:00AM GMT)

Jun 16, 2018 (11:00AM GMT)

Number of tokens for sale
10,000,000 HEX (30%)

Acceptable currencies
ETH, BTC, LTC and more

Minimal transaction amount
1 HexCash

Current Price
0.50 USD

Token sale rounds and rates
0.5 USD from May 17, 2018

0.6 USD from May 22, 2018

0.7 USD from May 27, 2018

0.8 USD from June 1, 2018

0.9 USD from June 6, 2018

1 USD from June 10, 2018

of Tokens

of Funds


December 2017
Concept Planning & Product Design Of HEXCASH.

January 2018
Design & Development Of HEXCASH ICO and Smart Contract

February 2018
White Papers of HEXCASH

February 2018
Development of HEXCASH Ecosystem

March 2018
Development of Internal Exchange For HEXCASH

April 2018
Branding & Marketing Of HEXCASH

May 2018
Launch Of HEXCASH Pre Sale & ICO

June 2018

July 2018
Launch Of Internal Exchange

August 2018
Launch Of HEXCASH on External Exchanges

Spetember 2018
Launch Of Mobile Apps for HEXCASH


Any question? Reach out to us and we’ll get back to you shortly.

For more information:

WEBSITE : https://www.hexcash.com/

ONEPAGER : https://www.hexcash.com/whitepaper.pdf 

TWITTER : https://twitter.com/hexcashofficial 

TELEGRAM : https://t.me/hexcash

Author : sarta afdal17

My Bitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1519661

My Eth : 0x77921cc7e185e9d57a27DB0adf45f07cC2e91034

PayVX = Is The Most Simple, Fastest, And Safest Payment Technology In The World.

Hallo meet again with me sarta afdal, I will explain Blog I will introduce about PaYVX project, and for more details let's go to the following discussion:

What is PayVX?

PayVX Is The Most Simple, Fastest, And Safest Payment Technology In The World. Escrow-Currency Escrow Service Provided Builds a Safe Bridge And Creates A Trust Relationship Between Both Parties For Online Business Transactions.
Because Crypto-Currency Transactions Can not Be Changed, Dealing With Untrustworthy Parties Is A Serious Risk Level For Buyers And Sellers. PayVX Effectively Secures This Process, Ensures Trust And Trust To Cultivate Operations.

Why PayVX?

The Most Simple, Fastest, And Safest Payment Technology In The World

At payVX, our goal is to ensure the safest and most efficient payment service available through the use of our escrow payment network.

At PayVX, our cutting-edge blockchain network will ensure safe and efficient transactions at perfect speed.

PayVX users will have full control and transparency of their transactions using our escrow payment system.

PayVX leverages the latest theft and identity theft and prevention techniques to ensure the security of our users with every transaction.

PVX Public Presentation Starts March 20, 2018

Budget allocation

>65% Project Development and Design
>10% Sales Management, Marketing, Advertising and Sales
>10% Operational Cost (Equipment, Office Rental, Server, Etc)
>5% Administrative Fee
>5% Legal Consultation / Fees
>5% Redundancy Fund

Token allocation

>800,000,000 80% on sale
>100.000.000 10% Mgt
>40,000,000 4% Bounty
>60.000.000 6% Bonus

Token Distribution

The total number of tokens is 100,000,000! Token will be transferred to contributor after ICO campaign.




For more information link below:

Telegram : https://t.me/PAYVX

Author : sarta afdal17

My Eth : 0x77921cc7e185e9d57a27DB0adf45f07cC2e91034

Senin, 28 Mei 2018


Hallo meet again with me sarta afdal, I will explain Blog I will introduce about BITSERIES project, and for more details let's go to the following discussion:

The cryptocurrency market has grown rapidly in recent years. According to data from the CoinMarketcap portal, the market capitalization of cryogravure at the end of 2017 was about $ 600 billion.

Although the price of individual crypto-currencies is subject to significant fluctuations, the capitalization of crypto in general has steadily increased. Also, it is important to remember that blockchain technology, based on cryptocurrency, is far from perfect and continues to develop.

However, one thing we can be absolutely sure of is that cryptocurrencies, as well as blockchain technology, are firmly ingrained in our lives, and this technology has enormous potential.

Despite the fact that blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies are still relatively new and underdeveloped, there are many attempts to integrate them into various projects. Many experts agree that cryptocurrency and blockchain technology will dominate the market.

Here are some advantages of using cryptocurrency and blockchain technology:

> crypto payments are becoming more and more popular

> Payments are easy to make

> low minimum payment threshold

no restriction on the number of transactions

> Payments can be made much faster

> the concept of transparency and fair play is used in the conduct of games


The essence of Bitseries is the instant transaction in the bitteries platform. The Bitseries platform also comes with features that perform fast and secure transaction through their mobile platform, the Bitseries platform supports all major chips and chips with leveling the bitteries standard.


July 2017

Research project

Research on possibilities and requirements, first printing project and execution

November 2017


Step One to Bitteries, Selected Network and Listings

June 2018

First fund bonus sale

Expand roles and functions, initial funds to expand functional areas

August 2018


Much reduction of the phase to stimulate interest

September 2018


Pre-sales-II After completion of the limited-I phase

October 2018

ICO crowdsale

Crowdsale for initial coin offerings to the public.

Feb, 2019

API Releases

Bitseries token output

June 2019

Web version

Release of the web version of Offical Bitseries platform

August 2019

Mobile accessibility

Easy access in Andriod / Apple platforms

In front of

Platform refinements and expansion

Platform refinements and goal towards expansion


Project Investor White List Period: June 1, 2018 - Cap to the limit reached

Pre-Sale Period: August 15, 2018 - Sept. 30, 2018

Crowd sale Period: Oct 15, 2018 - Dec. 2018

Soft Cap: 10.0 million USD

Hard Cap: 75.0 million USD

Maximum Token Offering: 1.5 Billion Bitseries Tokens

25% for Global Exchanges exchanges

47% Sale of crowdfunding token

15% Internal use (Social / legal ecosystem)

10% Establishment / Team / Building

3% for Bounty / Adverts

For more information, please visit:

Website: https://www.bitseries.network/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Bitseries-202654243675447/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/imbitseries

Author : sarta afdal17

My Bitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1519661

My Eth : 0x77921cc7e185e9d57a27DB0adf45f07cC2e91034

SELFLLERY - Receiving Crypto Payday For Your Social Activity

Image result for selfllery bounty campaign

Hallo meet again with me sarta afdal, I will explain Blog I will introduce about SELFLLERY project, and for more details let's go to the following discussion:

Selfllery is a multifunctional social platform that allows you to receive payments in crypto for your social activities, which are related to the publication and distribution of visual content. The product concept and version was originally designed in early 2016. The selfllery reward system uses the ERC20 token built on Ethereal blockchain technology.

Social media platforms are the main channel for publishing and promoting digital photos, while at the same time, they are one of the Internet traffic sources for advertisers. Therefore, the cost of social media marketing amounts to a significant portion of overall marketing spending in the company. The share of social media spending in marketing budgets is expected to increase by 9.8% t o 18.5% compared to the following year.

It is of value to note that the preferred Instagram pic sharing service is among the twenty most visited web resources in the world and is associated with 800 million users. As of August 2017, the number of daily service users was 375 million, ie one hundred and twenty-five million more than the previous year. The graph below shows a monthly increase in Instagram user variations (in millions).

Mission Selfllery

Selfllery allows people to make their visual content truly reliable.
The purpose of Selfllery is to create an Associate in Nursing Design that:

>Allows users to decriminalize their photos, videos and live streams in a highly gamified way;
>Support charity organizations and make simple donations to users;
>Provide companies with easy-to-use and effective promotional tools involving user photos;
>Expand the market of image and video content for corporate and news services, with an easy-to-use search function.
>Integrates fashionable technology and blockchain capabilities into the digital photography market, improving transparency and security of its transactions.


The token tokens circulation theme depends on the type of ownership. When your token area unit is in the hands of a user Completed Selfllery:

>Your token area unit generated throughout TGE
>User gets YOUR token on TGE or on the open market (after TGE expires).
>Users use YOUR token to purchase additional Selfllery options, to purchase special merchandise in the Selfllery market and different user photos in the stock gallery, and additional for charity.
>After the user has purchased an additional SelfLove option, your token area unit is transferred to Selfllery and so distributed according to the current settings for Selfllery

Platform development Once users get different user photo galleries or specialty merchandise in the market, YOUR token area unit is moved from buyer to seller, excluding Selfllery fees.

When YOUR tokens are in hand by Selfllery advertisers:

>YOUR token area unit generated across TGE;
>Advertiser obtains YOUR token on TGE or on the open market (after TGE expires);
>Advertiser uses YOUR token to buy targeted ads in Selfllery;
>YOUR tokens (excluding Selfllery fees) received from the advertiser unit are shared among all Selfllery users according to Likes volume and current user rating;

In addition to paying YOUR token for targeted ads, advertisers will reward your tokens of gifts for users who win pic contests or full promotional photos. Your token flag is limited. Everyday, at the right time, Selfllery distributes daily reward funds among all users who have received Likes on the day of reckoning.

YOUR token token unit is distributed among all ActiveLore users on, as they are the contributer units of the selfllery area, and not merely those whose pages are advertising. Many individuals use Selfllery, which is very valuable brought to the platform. Therefore, every WHO user accepts Like, deserves a bequest. To avoid cheating, the overall variations likes per day for a single user are limited.

SELFLLERY - Receiving Crypto Payday For Your Social Activity

Greetings community, on this blog hopefully your search for the project Selfllery Take Photo - Make this Money can be fulfilled everything, following discussion:

Selfllery is a multifunctional social platform that allows you to receive payments in crypto for your social activities, which are related to the publication and distribution of visual content. The product concept and version was originally designed in early 2016. The selfllery reward system uses an ERC20 token built on Ethereal blockchain technology.

Social media platforms are the main channel for publishing and promoting digital photos, while at the same time, they are one of the Internet traffic sources for advertisers. Therefore, the cost of social media marketing amounts to a significant portion of overall marketing spending in the company. The share of social media spending in marketing budgets is expected to increase by 9.8% t o 18.5% compared to the following year.

It is of value to note that the preferred Instagram pic sharing service is among the twenty most visited web resources in the world and is associated with 800 million users. As of August 2017, the number of daily service users was 375 million, ie one hundred and twenty-five million more than the previous year. The graph below shows a monthly increase in Instagram user variations (in millions).


Early Distribution of Your Token generated during THE:

YOUR Token can be purchased through Bitcoin (BTC) or Ethereal (ETH):

>10 000 ETH
>Minimum Goals
>(soft cap)
>55 000 ETH
>Maximum Goals
>(hard cap)


Selfllery has a loyalty program to reward their most popular users. When They are Given for Likes with tokens, their token count is calculated with progressive loyalty multipliers, which increases the number of tokens received.


>Get an ico Content Visualization
>Monetization of Social Activities ico
>Ico Peron photo stock
>The ico market place
>Ico's charity platform
>Photos-Quests & Contests

For more details and join the current social media Selfllery please follow some sources for the following references:

Website : https: //tge.selfllery.com/

Whitepaper : https: //selfllery.com/wp/selfllery_whitepaper_en.pdf

Facebook : https: //www.facebook.com/Selfllery

Twitter : https: //twitter.com/selfllery

Telegram : https: //t.me/selfllery_en

Author : sarta afdal17

My Bitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1519661

My Eth : 0x77921cc7e185e9d57a27DB0adf45f07cC2e91034

MOBEE - Creating One Virtual Host Operator In The World

Foto MoBee.

Hallo meet again with me sarta afdal, I will explain Blog I will introduce about MOBEE project, and for more details let's go to the following discussion:

Our ultimate goal is to create an international mobile virtual carrier using its own shock crypto for payment. For the first time customers receive mobile services instead of cryptocurrency ..

Our proposal is based on a unique scheme. The MoBee ecosystem consists of three components: such virtual MoBee operators, the NetWorx platform and the DiStream sound box.

The NetWorx platform generates voice and internet traffic for MoBee virtual operators to be further distributed among their customers.

InStream moneybox offers MoBee customers the possibility to get mobile services in exchange for an MBE token as well as additional opportunities to manage funds in customer accounts. This simple, effective solution has been developed to meet the common interests of customers, mobile operators and telecom experts.

MoBee NetWorx's ecosystem platform is required to generate voice and internet traffic for our virtual operators.

The current market volume of outsourced telecommunication networks is estimated at more than USD 60 billion. Outsourcing and infrastructure exchanges can increase the CFO of mobile operators by 10% (based on research conducted by J'son & Partners Consulting).

NetWorks is our unique outsourcing service platform for the telecommunications industry. We use this platform to incorporate professional freelance expert market and outsourcing companies. Mobile operators will use this platform to benefit from various telecommunication infrastructure support services.

This service will be provided to the operator only in return for the traffic we will sell to the MoBee virtual carrier subscriber for the MBE token


The MBE Token is an internal payment media for the MoBee ecosystem and is intended for all types of operations. This makes it a key factor for the MoBee economy.

We offer tokens that are supported by mobile communication sources, such as voice traffic and the internet. The MBE Token will be converted to another crypt and exchanged for mobile services for yourself, your friends and acquaintances.





For information, please contact the following tautan:

Website : https://mobeetel.co/

ANN : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2895475

Twitter : https://twitter.com/MoBetel_co

Dokumentasi Technical : https://mobeetel.co/storage/moBee_en.pdf

Author : sarta afdal17

My Bitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1519661

My Eth : 0x77921cc7e185e9d57a27DB0adf45f07cC2e91034

Minggu, 27 Mei 2018

Riѕk оf losing Funds


Hallo meet again with me sarta afdal, I will explain Blog I will introduce about KAKUSHIN project, and for more details let's go to the following discussion:

Rеturning Fundѕ

If the campaign is not completed, or it can be done by the author, or by the moderator, the funds will be returned to the use of the funds transferred to the fund. If users make their payments in large amounts (USD, EUR, RUR, or others), the funds are returned to their ETH in KES ѕуѕеtm. Users can withdraw this ETH or use them to participate in other campaigns launched on the KES platform.

New Technology Appears

KKN has a new and relatively helpful version. In addition to the risk risks in this document, there is a definite risk that the end of the KES platform could not be greater. This risk can put themselves at other risk of this risk.

Crоwd Invеѕting

The KES platform demonstrates one and all responsibilities or obligations in the case of any obligations made by the creators can help investors who have enjoyed the KES platform. The KES platform is one of the best choices from investors and their investors. The KES function рlаtfоrm is only to spend funds from invessrers to the creators, and token from the influencing crowd can create creators for investors. KES does not guarantee decisions made by making decisions.


All information contained in this Whitepaper is excellent for most information, and it is very important to present guidelines for services that may be provided by KES in the future. Something very important in this case is not true

Citizenship, financially, financially, or better;
A rесоmmеndаtiоn tο undеrtаkе (οr tο distinguish) anything οf anything;
An important thing, both legally and unlawfully;
Or or or or or
A move from various ownership of KES rights
Or a promise to earn any passive income, at any time to obtain any information; and should not be understood as one of them.

CCN-ѕесurеd сrурtоgrарhiсаllу representation iѕ оf a tоkеn-hоldеr'ѕ rightѕ tо get thе ассеѕѕ to KES рlаtfоrm оn аnd receive the рlаtfоrm ѕеrviсеѕ KES in futurе thrоugh асtivе асtiоnѕ token-holder, ѕuсh аѕ launched саmраignѕ, buy ѕеrviсеѕ a еtс.


Yоu are nоt еligiblе to аnd уоu ѕhаll not рurсhаѕе KKN thrоugh itѕ tоkеn sale if you аrе a сitizеn оr resident (tаx оr otherwise) of any country or ѕtаtе whеrе the рurсhаѕе оf KKN оr ѕimilаr Crурtо Token mау bе рrоhibitеd оr the tоkеn ѕаlе is dееmеd tо be nоt соmрliаnt with thе аррliсаblе lаwѕ аnd regulations. In раrtiсulаr, if you аrе a rеѕidеnt оf Pеорlе’ѕ Republic of China, уоu саnnоt рurсhаѕе KKN thrоugh thе token sale.

Purсhаѕеѕ оf KKN ѕhоuld be undеrtаkеn оnlу by individuаlѕ, entities, оr companies that have ѕignifiсаnt еxреriеnсе with, аnd undеrѕtаnding of, thе uѕаgе аnd intriсасiеѕ of Crурtо Tоkеnѕ аnd blосkсhаin bаѕеd ѕоftwаrе ѕуѕtеmѕ. Purсhаѕеrѕ should hаvе functional understanding оf ѕtоrаgе аnd transmission mесhаniѕmѕ аѕѕосiаtеd with оthеr Crурtо Tokens. Anу еntitiеѕ of Kakushin Eсоѕуѕtеm аnd officers and employees thereof will nоt bе responsible in any wау fоr loss of any Crурtо Tоkеnѕ, KKN or fiаt сurrеnсу resulting from асtiоnѕ tаkеn bу, or оmiѕѕiоnѕ of the purchasers. If уоu dо nоt hаvе the required еxреriеnсе оr expertise, thеn you should nоt purchase KKN or participate in thе ѕаlе of KKN.

You should саrеfullу consider thе riѕkѕ, costs, аnd any оthеr dеmеritѕ of асԛuiring KKN, аnd, if nесеѕѕаrу, оbtаin уоur оwn indереndеnt advice in thiѕ rеgаrd. If уоu аrе not in thе роѕitiоn tо ассерt nor to undеrѕtаnd thе risks аѕѕосiаtеd with the tоkеn ѕаlе оf KKN (inсluding thе risks related tо the non-development оf Kаkuѕhin Eсоѕуѕtеm Plаtfоrm) or any оthеr riѕkѕ as indiсаtеd in this whitерареr, you ѕhоuld not асԛuirе KKN, until ѕuсh thаt уоu have rесеivеd the nесеѕѕаrу indереndеnt аdviсе.

Dесеntrаliѕеd Inсubаtiоn Plаtfоrm Kakushin Ecosystem Lаunсhеѕ Privаtе Prе Sаlе

Kakushin Eсоѕуѕtеm private рrеѕаlе bеginѕ Mаrсh 15, 2018.



March 15, Kаkuѕhin Ecosystem hаѕ launched Private Prеѕаlе of KKN tоkеnѕ, whiсh еnаblеѕ the use of the соmраnу’ѕ ѕеrviсеѕ and рrоduсtѕ. Offеring firѕt ассеѕѕ to thе “KKN” tоkеnѕ and tоkеnizеd Eсоѕуѕtеm ѕуѕtеm. Thоugh thе full ICO will bе ореn to the рubliс, thiѕ рrivаtе рrеѕаlе орроrtunitу will bе thе first exclusive оf itѕ kind fоr Eаrlу Invеѕtоrѕ, аnd thе firѕt to utilizе the Kakushin’s Eаrlу Invеѕtmеnt bеnеfitѕ.

The minimum аmоunt of KKN tоkеnѕ рurсhаѕе during thе Privаtе Prе-Sаlе stage is $1500 in thе equivalent оf thе BTC and ETH сrурtосurrеnсiеѕ.

All fundѕ raised during thе Privаtе Pre-Sale will bе аllосаtеd to fundѕ and will be uѕеd fоr рurроѕеѕ as dесlаrеd in Whitерареr.

Tаkе a Lооk аt Kаkuѕhin Ecosystem:

Kаkuѕhin Eсоѕуѕtеm tаkеѕ on ѕеvеrаl key сhаllеngеѕ оf the Innоvаtiоn induѕtrу using a tоkеnizеd, ethereum роwеrеd platform. What thiѕ уiеldѕ iѕ a completely nеxt gеnеrаtiоn “Innоvаtiоn Ecosystem,” that еnсоmраѕѕеѕ a level оf trаnѕраrеnсу, ассеѕѕibilitу аnd liquidity рrеviоuѕlу unknоwn in thе glоbаl Innovation wоrld.

Thе Dесеntrаlizеd platform Kakushin Eсоѕуѕtеm is uѕing blockchain tесhnоlоgу fоr raising funds fоr innоvаtiоnѕ, innоvаtоrѕ need to present their Idеаѕ in dесеntrаlizеd есоѕуѕtеm where investors wоuld fund their invеntiоn. KAKUSHIN Ecosystem аlѕо еnаblеѕ Innоvаtоrѕ tо sell, buy аnd lеаѕе their рrоduсtѕ оn the dесеntrаlizеd соmmеrсiаl рlаtfоrm whеrе buyers саn buy thе рrоduсt using аnу fiаt or digitаl Currеnсу, kakushin’s Exсhаngе соnvеrt аnу сurrеnсу. Kаkuѕhin will imрlеmеnt роtеntiаl Innоvаtiоn on thе decentralized аррliсаtiоnѕ.

Kakushin Eсоѕуѕtеm (KES) creates a ѕуnеrgizеd рlасе fоr different аudiеnсеѕ thаt did not intеrасt before, ѕuсh аѕ invеntоr, innovators, рrоduсt dеѕignеrѕ, manufacturers, tесhnоlоgу аnd innоvаtiоn еnthuѕiаѕtѕ, раtеnt holders, сrеаtоrѕ of ICO аnd сrурtосurrеnсу рrоjесtѕ аnd thеir backers, оr сrеаtоrѕ of сlаѕѕiсаl сrоwdfunding campaigns аnd thеir backers whо hаvе nеvеr dеаlt with сrурtосurrеnсiеѕ bеfоrе, аuthоrѕ оf their projects аnd еxреriеnсеd army of advisors, moderators, dеѕignеrѕ, trаnѕlаtоrѕ аnd оthеr specialists all оvеr thе Wоrld.

Bу bringing these сrоwdѕоurсеd invеntiоnѕ tо lifе, kakushin not оnlу аllоwѕ аnуоnе to be thе inventor but also bringѕ thе wоrld a new grеаt product.

Abоut Cоmраnу: Kаkuѕhin Ecosystem iѕ a ѕinglе globally ѕоurсеd dесеntrаlizеd рlаtfоrm that саn help innovators tо get fundѕ. An есоѕуѕtеm tо innovate & collaborate оn INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY.



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For more information, please visit links below

Website : http://www.kakushin.tech/

ANN Bitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2620476.0

Whitepaper : http://www.kakushin.tech/V_1.1_Kakushin_Ecosystem_Whitepaper.pdf

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/KakushinEcosyshttps://www.facebook.com/Ktem

Twitter : https://twitter.com/kakushinEco

Telegram : https://t.me/Kakushin

Author : sarta afdal17

My Bitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1519661

My Eth : 0x77921cc7e185e9d57a27DB0adf45f07cC2e91034


Hasil gambar untuk DRIVERO.bounty

Hallo meet again with me sarta afdal, I will explain Blog I will introduce about DRIVERO project, and for more details let's go to the following discussion:

Not felt at this time of the era of many people add and travel distance to be longer or travel the distance is very far with some way people who definitely use a vehicle for mileage more efficient and comfortable in doing a publicly required trip or a taxi then from it was born a platfrom which is named DRIVERO.

Drivero is a car sharing platform that aims to provide the car whenever you need it, where you need it. Drivero is the car you pay and you use. If you want to meet friends who have not been able to communicate or just want to get from point A to point B. This is the car that is shared with all Drivero users.

Platfrom is based on BlockChain technology or GPS, you can also offer payment system and you can extend the time required by giving access to device, insurance or service cost with just one button

How It Works From Drivero.

Download and install APP on a device with an Internet connection.

Register in our system.

Upload your ID and LICENSE DRIVER for approval.

Recharge your wallet with ETH / BTC or with CREDIT CARD.

Select and message your car of choice.



One integral part of the platform, which is to create. Any funds collected will use true. No funds are wasted, only the person responsible and the goal for the project can use the funds.

PRA-ICO will start on 19-02-2018 and will last for months until 21-03-2018. During this time, the purchase will be available for 2,400,000 tokens (DVR), costing 0.0005 ETH for each token. Our soft-cap target is 500 ETH. In case the soft-seal does not reach, the investment will be profitable.

ICO will start on 10-04-2018 and will last as long as until 10-05-2018. During this time the purchase will be provided as much as 20.1 million tokens (DVR), the price is 0.001 per token.

Conclusion, Acquisition of 22.500.000 DVR token will be possible. During the PRA-ICO / ICO period aka tone bonus, purchase for a certain time will be given extra token DVR.




1 ETH = 2000 DRV



22 500 000

1 ETH = 1100


PRA-ICO bonus:
2018/02/19 - 2018/02/23 40%
2018/02/24 - 2018/03/01 25%
2018/03/02 - 2018/03/08 15%
2018/03/09 - 2018/03/16 5%
2018/03/17 - 2018/03/21 0%
ICO Bonus:

2018/04/10 - 2018/04/15 30%
2018/04/16 - 2018/04/22 25%
2018/04/23 - 2018/04/30 15%
2018/05/01 - 2018/05/05 5%
2018/05/06 - 2018/05/10 0%


Like our pie chart, most of the funds will be allocated for rent or acquisition, as well as maintenance in the early period.

The rest will be for the purchase of financial equipment, servers to access information in real time, including the use of car fuel, fuel and movement speed as well as ensure the safety of the vehicle as much as possible.

Consisting of raised funds will be devoted to iOS / Android app development, the performance will always satisfy customers without exception.

The total number of tokens there are 30,000,000 (DVRs) that are shared with a certain percentage. A total of 22,500,000 (DVR) will be provided during the PRA-ICO period and during ICO.

A total of 3,750,500 will be allocated to our team. The rest will go to a bounty campaign and be given to anyone who has helped develop the project / platform with whitepaper translation, video ad creation, customized bounty of social media and more.


Every investor is part of the Drivero family. No matter what amount is invested through PRA-ICO or ICO. This is one of the gratitude we can give you.

The investors will be sorted by LEVEL. Each LEVEL will get its rewards for trust and investment, which will give birth to this platform.

1 LEVEL - medium / inner city vehicle.
2 LEVELS - business-class business.
3 LEVELS -% of every profit per month + business class vehicles.

> 0.1 ETH - 20 minutes free ride per year.
> 0.2 ETH - 30 minutes free ride per year.
> 0.5 ETH - 42 minutes free ride per year.
> 1 ETH - 100 minutes free ride per year.
> 2 ETH - 200 minutes free ride per year.
> 5 ETH - 600 minutes free ride per year.

> 6 ETH - 240 minutes free ride per year.
> 7 ETH - 260 minutes free ride per year.
> 8 ETH - 320 minutes free ride per year.
> 9 ETH - 340 minutes free ride per year.
> 10 ETH - 400 minutes free ride per year.
> 11 ETH - 450 minutes free ride per year.

> 15 ETH - 2% monthly profit + 100 minutes per year.
> 20 ETH - 3% monthly profit + 130 minutes per year.
> 30 ETH - 4% monthly profit + 180 minutes per year.
> 50 ETH - 7% monthly profit + 250 minutes per year.


QUARTER 3-4 2017:

QUARTER 1 2018:

QUARTER 2 2018:
- ICO.

QUARTER 3 2018:

QUARTER 1 2019:

QUARTER 2-3 2019:

QUARTER 4 2019:

- +3 million users.

For More Information Please See The Website Below:

Website : http: //drivero.eu/

Whitepaper Indonesia : http: //drivero.eu/whitepapers/DRIVERO-IN.pdf

Telegram Discussion : https: //t.me/joinchat/Hl-wWwx1QT0cGJeAQZNRtQ

Twitter : https: //twitter.com/DriveroOfficial

facebook : https: //www.facebook.com/driverosharing/

Ann : https: //bitcointalk.org/index.php? Topic = 2915395.0

Author : sarta afdal17

My Bitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1519661

My Eth : 0x77921cc7e185e9d57a27DB0adf45f07cC2e91034

All Stocks

Hasil gambar untuk all stocks bounty

Hallo meet again with me sarta afdal, I will explain Blog I will introduce about ALLSTOCKS project, and for more details let's go to the following discussion:

Exchange the core concepts of what is done by exchanging what he has with what he wants to have. The exchange of course does not happen, the exchange rate in the conversion must have the same value.
Exchange or Exchange According to Philip Kotler is the way the product is desired from someone by offering something instead. Exchange (exchange) which is the core concept of Shaped is the desired process with a reward offer. This exchange is a concept. In order to exchange, there are conditions that must be considered:

1. there is at least two parties failure.
2. each producing party already paid for the other party.
3. Each party may communicate and submit the goods'
4. Each party is free to accept or reject the offer
5. Each party is willing and willing to deal with other parties.

If it is so fulfilled, there is the convenience of an exchange. The occurrence or absence of jams on both sides in carving the terms pertukatran. Each of the so-called parties is in the things when they are negotiating and leading into agreement.

And the Platform is currently busy in different worlds Connecting the World of Traditional Finances to Crypto-Markets is the All Stocks Network.


New Way to Trade in Global Markets

1. Buy a backed Token representing a Real Asset The token is issued for the financial asset you have purchased, which will be stored in a trusted, transparent, and regulated escrow account. The token value will always associate the real asset value, and can be cashed at any given time.

2. Redeem Your Token Everywhere All published tokens are ERC-20 compliant, which means that you can redeem it anytime and anytime in any crypto exchange; this cuts drastically the costs and commissions of banks and brokers.

3. Liquefy Your Token At certain times, you can redeem your token on the AllStocks exchange platform and receive a value to your account.


Asset-backed tokens have various uses. Let's discuss this function briefly:

Traditional to digital exchange: They are able to provide facilities for investment with investors. It is a digital to digital move

Platform for investment: In addition, commodities and market instruments can be deposited into ALLSTOCKS and sold.

Token Protection: Organizations can buy CTT money market and store it with full transparency.

Global Transfer: The ALLSTOCKS platform can also provide features that have all the necessary features: global transfers, freedom, stability, and convenience. When token from Network ALLSTOCKS has all the qualities
This, they will be able to offer services like payment, remittance and more.


Total token supply: 50,000,000 AST tokens.

In current sales AllStocks will allocate 25,000,000 AST tokens. Sales are divided into three parts each by reducing the exchange rate representing the initial investment bonus.

AST Token Price:

April 15 - April 30, Phase one: 625 AST = 1.00 ETH (25% Bonus)
May 1 - June 15, Phase two: 550 AST = 1.00 ETH (10% Bonus)
16 June 16 - 30 June, Phase three: 500 AST = 1.00 ETH (No Bonus)

Fundraising Goal: $ 20M Hardcap
Linear Sales Token:

March 1st

Pre Money Checking (Stage 1)
April 15th

Pre General Sales Ends
April 30th

Public Sales of Freedom (Phase 2 & 3)
May 1st

General Sales Ends
June 30th

Initial Distribution Token
July 15th

Trade Removing
July 31st

Fund Usage:

30% - Research & Development
30% - Marketing
30% - Global Operations & Interface Brokers
10% - Advisory, Management & Others
Sales Stages:
Stage 1: April 15 - April 30 (25% BONUS)
Stage 2: May 1 - June 15 (10% BONUS)
Stage 3: June 16 - June 30 (No BONUS)








WEBSITE : https://all-stocks.net/

WHITEPAPER : https: //all-stocks.net/wp-

FACEBOOK : https: //www.facebook.com/gobalstocks/

TELEGRAM ; https: //t.me/all_stocks_ico

INSTAGRAM : https: //www.instagram.com/allstocks1137/

ANN THREAD : https: //bitcointalk.org/index.php? Topic = 3210865.0

Author : sarta afdal17

My Bitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1519661

My Eth : 0x77921cc7e185e9d57a27DB0adf45f07cC2e91034