Hallo meet again with me sarta afdal, I will explain Blog I will introduce about ZEROSTATE project, and for more details let's go to the following discussion:
As a consumer, sometimes I know exactly what I want, and sometimes I do not know what I want, as long as it's in front of me. I want to be a loyal customer and be able to quickly find new products / services. On the other hand, advertisers want to sell their products / services with a high level of confidence that I will make a purchase. This is in short, this is the attitude of the consumer-advertiser.
When relationships are in perfect balance, they get what they want. ZeroState is a platform designed to achieve this balance / reference.
Below are the benefits that consumers and advertisers can expect from using the ZeroState platform.
>Free participation in promotions on the platform
>Feedback Bonuses
>Impartial views
>The best discovery for products / services
>Better targeted marketing campaigns
>Extremely loyal customers
>Best user feedback and ratings
>Emotional price lists
Although products and services are often classified by type (for example, sci-fi, toys, furniture, clothing, etc.), ZeroState suggests that the consumer can find products / services with greater accuracy and accuracy, using the consumer's emotional preferences (happy, cool, cool, sexy, etc.).
Thus, ZeroState wants to use strong human emotional connections and links to the things they want, and provide a transactional platform for better binding consumers and advertisers.
Getting the products before the consumer and knowing with high certainty that they will acquire this item is the Holy Grail for advertisers. For the consumer, they do not want to be spoiled by marketing.
In other words, if the connection between the consumer and the advertiser is not balanced, then the advertiser spends his money, and the consumer spends his time. In order for the relationship to work, both sides should be able to communicate their demands to each other. This is the perfect communication, ultimately, what ZeroState hopes to achieve.
At first I was a little skeptical that my emotional state and sensual feedback can exactly fund what I'm looking for. However, with some reflection, I think that consumption is very much related to the emotional state of a person (the emotional state of a person can affect any number of types of decisions, and not just purchases of goods / services). For me, I prefer to listen to music by type, and then by emotion. For products, I want to see "popular", "cool" or "stunning". Is it good to go right?
It's a little more complicated. Lamborghini corresponds to my preferences, but the likelihood that I will buy it is very close to zero. On this day and age, should I expect advertisers to find out? Yes.
ZeroState understands that achieving an ideal balance requires a certain skill. That is why their transactional model and mechanism for ensuring an objective rating of advertising campaigns and equitable distribution of funds are set out in their document. Simply put, ZeroState must ensure that participants play fair to give the economy their model a high probability of success. Do not forget:
bad data usually means bad data. The ZeroState model must find the right balance of incentives so that participants act and report in good faith. If this can be achieved, then everyone will benefit - including ZeroState.
ZeroState is not the only company that is looking for the Holy Grail. Amazon (you may have heard of them), works hard to improve their intellectual intelligence (AI). Amazon wants to use the data of its customers to predict what you want to buy before you do it! The approach of the Amazon is different, but their purpose is the same. I wrote about the Amazon forecast analysis project a few months ago here.
There, the ZeroState project certainly corresponds to my threshold for an interesting project. I do not think they need a large user base for success. They need to prove that their model works for any size of the user base and growth will be organic.
I hope that this post was useful, describing the ZeroState project, and I informed why I find it interesting. If you agree with me, I recommend that you read their document, as it more fully describes their value propositions.
March 21, 2018
Sales: 5,000,000 tokens with 50% bonus
Attraction: $ 2,000,000
We sell ZSC tokens to finance the development and scaling of existing effective business models. ZSC is designed to provide transparent and profitable conditions for each owner of the token. To achieve this, we need highly qualified specialists, technologies and a growing client base. This, in turn, requires significant financial and marketing opportunities.
Public sale of tokens
June 21, 2018
Sales of 49.5 million Tokens with bonuses of 40%, 30%, 20%
To this end, ZeroState will issue a maximum of 100,000,000 ZSCoin tokens with an initial market value of 0.00047 ETH per token during the ICO. ZeroState ICO will have two main stages, when the company's token will be offered for sale with special discounts.
For more information, please click on the link below:
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/zerostate.info
LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/company/zerostate-inc
Instagram : https: // www .instagram.com / zerostate.app
Medium : https://medium.com/@zerostate
Telegram : https://t.me/zero_state_news
YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxTbb5czvsPtmYnsxHRZQnA
Technical documentation: https: //zerostate.io/zerostate_whitepaper_en.pdf
Website : https://zerostate.io
Author : sarta afdal17
My Bitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1519661
My Eth : 0x77921cc7e185e9d57a27DB0adf45f07cC2e91034